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Qty Product Catalog# Quantity Your Price Total
x: Remove item from cart NFkB p50 (C20) Blocking Peptide DB035P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00 $70.00
x: Remove item from cart Bad (A17) Antibody DB003 0.200 mg/ml $210.00 $210.00
x: Remove item from cart NFkB p65 (C20) Blocking Peptide DB033P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00 $70.00
x: Remove item from cart Cdk2 (C16) Blocking Peptide DB010P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00 $70.00
x: Remove item from cart caspase-3 p20 (A20) Blocking Peptide DB008P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00 $70.00
x: Remove item from cart STAT3 (C20) Blocking Peptide DB029P 0.100 mg/0.5 ml $70.00 $70.00
x: Remove item from cart AKT (C20) Antibody DB059 0.200 mg/ml $210.00 $210.00
x: Remove item from cart anti-Mouse IgG+HRP DB2002 0.200 mg/0.2 ml $90.00 $90.00
Click "Update" after you have made a change in Quantity. Subtotal  $860.00

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Apoptosis/Tumor Suppressor Genes| Cell Adhesion| Cell Cycle| Controls| Fusion Protein/Epitope Tags| Growth Factors| Membrane Receptors
Protein Kinases| Secondary Antibodies| Signaling Intermediates| Transcription Regulation